Health, Review
Comments 7

Gurin Steam Inhaler #SteamInhaler

I suffer from sinus infection all the year round, especially during the time of year when season changes. It starts with normal cold leading to headache, nasal congestion and post-nasl drip which causes throat irritation. It becomes impossible for me to function fully in times when I am struggling with all these symptoms. Doctor prescribed a steroid nasal spray to help me deal with the symptoms, but I had to stop talking it cause of nosebleed. The only thing that gives me some relief is the warm and most air from a hot bath, or steamer that tends to loosen the phlegm and soothes my throat.

When I got a chance to review Gurin Steam Inhaler, I gladly accepted as it was a perfect opportunity to try and see if steam inhaler was effective to help me with the sinusitis. Before this opportunity, I used  a steamer that pumps steam into a room but steam inhaler was something I had never tried before.

Gurin Steam Inhaler comes with a user guide that is very easy to understand and clearly written, so I had no trouble figuring out how to operate it. Unlike the steamer I had used in the past, you are required to put your mouth near the mask to inhale the steam coming out from the inhaler. As you breath in the steam directly, the effect is more pronounced than what you experience in case of a steamer or hot shower.










The Steam Inhaler unit is of average size and very lightweight, making it easy to carry around. Underneath the unit there is a plastic container divided into two sections. You can put saline solution or any essential oil in the right container. This container has a plastic tube inserted that directly injects the oil/saline into the steam. The left side of the container is the holding tank for condensing steam.

You  simply unscrew the cap, pour about 1 ounce of water (measuring cup comes along with the unit) into the water heater  tank, replace the cap and then turn on the unit.  Within few seconds you will see steam coming out of the plastic mask. You can also control the amount of steam, to suit your requirement, by sliding a small switch in the neck area. One thing that I did not like about this unit is that there is provision to adjust the angle of the neck. Because of which you have to position yourself properly to get maximum benefit.




The steam Inhaler can generate steam for approximate 6 min with 25 ml of water. which is a good time, given the small size of the water tank. The steam coming out is fairly hot so proper care should be taken not to get too close or else there are chances of getting steam burn. Proper supervision is needed when children are using the unit.

I used the inhaler when I was going through a very bad nasal and throat congestion, last week, and I was so happy to see how helpful it was to help me to loose the phlegm. Within 6 min I felt much better! And then I made sure to use it every 4 hours until I my congestion was all gone. It was my first time, after so long, that I was able to breathe properly with all the congestion. Overall, I am quite pleased with the performance of Gurin Steam Inhaler. It has been effective in helping me with the nasal congestion. Not only for me, but it was really effective to keep my daughters cough!



You can buy it on Amazon. The link to the product is:

~~~~~~~~I was not compensated for this review. I received this product on heavily discounted price, via. Tomoson, in exchange for my honest opinion. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.~~~~~~~~~~








  1. This looks like a really great product. I bet it works great not just for your nose, but your pours too. Do a steam for your nose, then wash your face while they’ve all been opened!


  2. This looks like a really nice steam inhaler. I’ve never used one before, but this would be really good especially in the winters when we keep coming down sick!


  3. This would be great for when we come down sick, or may even prevent us from getting sick. The weather in NY is brutal in the winters and we are always coming down with colds and getting congested.


  4. This definitely look comfortable to use. It sounds well made too. I think it’s awesome that it worked for you after minutes! Gotta love good products like this.


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